Friday, September 08, 2006

Overall Project Proposal

Working Title: How I Learned to Stop Caring About Depth, and Love American Idol

One Sentence concept/logline/spine: A struggle of a person trying to find their natural place in the world, and realizing that they will never be able to fit in because of their analysis over everything.

A Compelling Two Paragraph Summary:
The protagonists and antagonists in this story are by any standards normal people, they have no psychic abilities, are no better or worse than anyone else. It is only the way in which they deal with the circumstances inflicted on them that differentiates them from other normal people.
The story is not about extraordinary events, but rather a string of abnormal events intruding upon their daily lives that creates a sense of other worldliness and surrealism alien to the previous life of the characters. These (unspecified) events cause a reevaluation of the previous subjective values of their existence, leading to a change in the very nature of the characters as people.


Blogger L said...

Just a note on how the Project Proposal went over in class.

The professor seemed to really enjoy the vagueness of the summary. He inquired as to whether or not the characters were vampires, and seemed to be relieved when I told him that they in fact were not.

The class liked the working title. (my roommate did not-- though I am not sure that she understood it or caught the reference)

The logline did not go over very well except to bring up questions of what type of person the main character was. Upon thirty seconds of deep thought and meditation, I decided for the time-being that the main character is an elitist.

1:25 PM  

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